TOPICAL BUDGET 266-1(items) [main]

Altri titoli: TOPICAL BUDGET 266-1(items) [main]
Anno: 1916
Durata: 3 mins
Descrizione: I.The march past. Cavalry artillery and Royal Engineers with their pontoon equipment marching past the King.II. Royal Review. His Majesty the King attended by Field Marshal the Viscount French inspecting troops in the Aldershot Command.III. Garde Republicaine Band. The famous French band with the Royal Serbian Band gives a performance at the Tuileries. The Serbian minister toasting the health of the Allied troops.
Parole chiave: EFG1914 / World War I
Fonte esterna: Imperial War Museums
Diritti: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Casa di produzione: Topical Film Company
Colori: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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